How to auto generate Rest API Docs in Django Rest Framework with Open API schema for your Rest API?

How to auto generate Rest API Docs in Django Rest Framework with Open API schema for your Rest API?

Auto Generate Rest API Documentation in Django

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Let's directly jump into the steps without wasting any time.

  • Open your root and paste this code at the end of your file -
from rest_framework.documentation import include_docs_urls

    # For autogenerated API documentation
        include_docs_urls(title="DevJunction API Docs"),
  • Next step is to allow Django Rest Framework to use Open API schema generator for all the Rest API created using DRF generics views, viewsets or view classes -

    Add this at the end of your file -

    'DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'rest_framework.schemas.coreapi.AutoSchema',
  • One final step is to install a pip package in your project's virtual environment -
pip install coreapi
  • Yuhuuu! You did it, just run your project in local and open your browser and go this location to see the auto generated API docs - http://localhost:8000/api/docs

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